The Biz

The strange thing about being a writer, even a wannabe writer, is how... split it can be in your head. By that I mean how you can absolutely love to write, derive such satisfaction from doing it, and yet be absolutely terrified of actually doing it.

I've wanted to write something seriously since I was in high school. I've made a few attempts, like the blog for example, to actually do it. And, well... if you're reading this, then you know how well that usually goes. I'm really trying to focus myself on the idea, at least, of writing. I've got about three and a half scenes written of some hero fiction that's got me jazzed, and the characters are nice and snug in my head.

Unfortunately, as usually happens, a whole 'nother idea has started in my brain and... now it's hard to think of anything else. This brings me to the conclusion that I really need writing discipline if I ever want to make it work. I'm actually hoping that I can get a few small freelance writing jobs, nothing huge, but something that would be a nice supplemental check and what could show me the discipline I truly need. It's a scary thing to contemplate, trying to break into something new.

But... I'm determined to do it. Otherwise... well, I think the idea of "what might have been" would eat at me. I'm sure everyone has felt like that on occasion. It's part of being human, I think. However, I don't intend to let this go. Wish me luck!


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