Hello again, everyone.

Been a few days, but a bit has been going on.

Second, I drank the Kool-Aid and bought a Macbook. Yep, I'm now a Mac person. Mostly. I've still got my Dell machine for City of Heroes and another game or two, and I'm getting those installed on Linux so I can boot into Windows as little as possible :) My first impressions of the Mac are positive.

Since I've only had it a few days, I'm not completely used to the interface, and to be honest the lack of a normal right-click annoys me some. In fairness, it's not hard to reach up with a finger and it control or command to get a context menu, but we're talking twenty plus years of training here! But that aside, it's pretty positive. I was impressed by the amount of stuff pre-installed. Garageband, iMovie, iPhoto, and the like. I can see why poetasters and other "new media" types love Macs. For my part, it's been something I've wanted to do for a while now, and since Uncle Sam was OH SO generous </sarcasm> with my federal tax return, I bought a mid-range MacBook and an iPod Touch, which freed up my old iPod to go to my parents.

Yeah, I was shocked at my return too. But hey, they were nice to enough to give my money back to me. :P

So, I thought it would be a good thing for me to try and use my Mac for doing more writing. For now, there's no games or distractions other than Firefox and iTunes there. Yes, Firefox is a distraction... it's the gateway to the intarwebs! We'll see how long the no-games thing lasts, but I brought the Mac with to work today so I could try out some of the Mac novel writing apps on lunch today. So, yeah. We'll see how it goes. Next time, I'll talk a bit about the iPod Touch, which is nifty so far, but I've yet to try and add a webapp to it, which I wanted to try before really talking about it.

'Till then, enjoy this RickRoll-free post!


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