So, I got to thinking about that "legendary" event in hour history. For that one guy (you know who you are) who doesn't know what The Roswell Incident was, on July 7, 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico, a very startling report came through that the Air Force had recovered a crashed UFO. Later of course, the story was retracted and they said it was a weather balloon... which was then later retracted when they said it was an experimental project called Mogul.

This interesting thing to me isn't the UFO... but the USAF's changing story. Considering the rampant distrust the American people seem to have for their government, is it really all that surprising that no one believes the stories of a balloon or a project involving crash test dummies? Which by the way wasn't even a project until 1953. Yeah, Mogul holds less water than the original weather balloon story.

Now, I don't know what happened on that day in a previously unremarkable town, but something happened there. What it actually was will likely never be known, but it probably wasn't a weather balloon. I want it to be an alien craft. I do. But in all honesty? It was most likely a test craft. Keep in mind Groom Lake AFB is nearby, which was and has been a major aircraft testing facility. It was just after WWII, the Cold War was already heating up, so I have no doubt we were taking advantage of all of those German scientists we got from Operation Paperclip. Is it that much of a stretch to think they were testing an aircraft? They had to test out all those jets somewhere, and at least one of them HAD to have crashed, I mean it's a test plane.

So. There it is. My thoughts on one of the events that polarize the UFO community. Your thoughts?


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