
Showing posts from July, 2009

In Progress...

One of the most valuable things you can do as a writer is to write down scenes that come to mind. Even if they don't seem to connect to anything else you're working on. For instance: I wrote a quick horror-esque scene about... maybe a year ago. Nothing huge, but a boy cowering in an alley as a horrible creature bore down on him. Here, take a look. The boy ran. He stumbled over a trash can and looked behind him, breathing heavily, eyes wide with terror. The thing chasing him looked vaugely like a dog, but instead of fur, it was covered in scaley chiton. Its tail was long and whip-like, ending in a serrated boney spike. The boy choked on a scream and started running again. The creature paused briefly to savagely swat the garbage can out of the alley before picking up speed after the boy. The boy took a corner and was horrified to be face to face with a dead end. As he spun around looking for another way out, the creature padded around the corner. Barely able to draw breath, the