
How often do you sit in front of your computer not really knowing what the heck to do? The worst part is when this happens at work.

So, I'm deciding whether or not to make the jump to a Mac. I've got a nice refund from Uncle Sam coming, so I know I'm picking up an iPod Touch, but I was looking at the prices of a low-end MacBook, and was surprised. Now you might be asking why a low-end? Well, this is more like a transition machine rather than a main machine. Kind of a way to test the waters for me. The only thing that *really* keeps me on Windows is City of Heroes and iTunes. iTunes of course runs on a Mac, so that's no big, but CoH is a stumbling block.

However, I know CoH is more than playable in Wine on Ubuntu. Mac is a flavor of Unix (FreeBSD to be exact), so I don't see why I couldn't get Wine to run on OSX. Though, I will look for more native solutions, I don't foresee too many issues with this. Otherwise, I'll just keep my duel-boot Ubuntu/Windows laptop for gaming goodness!

I'm struggling with the story I'm trying to write. It's a pain in the butt and it's starting to get on my nerves.

A thought I'll leave you with comes from Jimmy Jett of the Podcast About Nothing:
If a tree in a forest falls on Milli Vanilli, does somebody else make a sound?

Goodnight everybody!


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