Pics from Warner Brothers themselves

Wow, so I never expected to see it happen.

It's cool and all... The Comedian looks... pretty dead on. I saw the photo and I asked myself if it was a painting for a second. I'm not overly thrilled with the whole leather thing that seems to permeate comic book movies since X-Men, but I get why they stay away from spandex. It does tend to look rediculous on real live people. This is still a year away, and something could still derail it, but Watchmen is rather revered in the comic shop chain I frequent. In fact, the original owner had something we dubbed "The Watchmen Speech" which he would lever on anyone who asked him to reccomend a book. Of course, he also had this idea he called "The Relic" that sounded a lot like Captain America that he insisted was NOT Captain America.

Man... I still miss Jef...


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