Wanna-be Writing Adventures

How many of you out there are wanna-be writers?

Recently, I've been trying to really get more done. I've been reading a few books on writing, two of which are from Holly Lisle. Holly is one of my favorite writers, and her workshops are completely worth the ten bucks.

I've been trying to get serious about writing for years. As most wanna-be's I've got reams and reams of notebooks and notecards just full of half-developed ideas and partially written stories.

Also like many wanna-be's the prospect of professional publication scares the carp out of me. I've been scouring the net for writing podcasts like Mur Lafferty's "I Should Be Writing" and "Writer's Talking", where Mur frequently guest stars. There's a few I have bookmarked and haven't gotten around to yet.

What about you? And wanna-be tales of woe? :)


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