And So The Doctor Said 'Don't Do That!'

"Well, I suppose it was a matter of time. Although I had hoped your right arm would have been the extent of it."

Doctor Marqea studied Rob's fingers, examining the perfectly formed plastic joints. He shook his head and pushed his glasses up onto his head. "I wish I knew what to tell you."

Rob nodded, "I know. I'm just glad I didn't pass out this time. It felt strange, like my fingers were being pushed up. My hand feels thicker, heaver almost."

"Hmm. Could it be that your flesh isn't being replaced but displaced?"

"How do you mean?"

"Your hand doesn't have less flesh than before, just added the plastic, making the rest of your hand more dense. In the case of your right arm, your bones may have increased in density." He paused, thinking. "That would explain why I didn't get more than a dense blob on the x-ray. This is interesting. A lot less worrying that actually replacing your flesh, that's for certain."

"Less worrying? Doctor, I think you understand I'd rather not be so... sticky."

The Doctor blinked. "I don't think I would have put it quite that way, but yes." he said slowly. "Look, Mister Dalton. This is good news. Since your flesh isn't being transmuted or replaced, there's no reason to think you can't get your regular arm and fingers back."

"Well, that it is good news. How is this happening though? Any ideas or headway?"

Marqea looked uncomfortable. "Ah, no. Nothing. Don’t get your hopes up about that. I don’t think I’ll get any definitive answers.“

        Robbie gave the Doctor a critical look, ”Well, I’m doing some digging. Maybe between the two of us we can find something.“

        Marqea looked at him, eyes angry and his voice sharp, ”You will do no such thing, boy! You have no idea what is at stake here.“

        ”Then tell me.“ Rob’s voice was steely.

        ”No. You will leave this alone. People in this business have disappeared for far, far less, young man.“ He paused, ”And no, that is not a threat. It’s the reality of this kind of situation.“ Marqea said nothing more, just angrily shoved another cotton sleeve at Rob for his left arm and stormed out of the room. Annoyed, Rob walked back out to the waiting room and joined Larry, who looked questioning at Rob’s expression.

        ”Let’s get out first.“

        Raising his eyebrows, Larry nodded and followed in Rob’s wake to his car. Once they were on the way, Larry glanced at Rob briefly at the first stop light. ”So?“

        ”Well, if I would have wondered if he had something to do with it before, I’m damn sure now.“

        Larry gave him side-long ‘I told you so’ look.

        ”Yeah, yeah. He basically told me to keep my nose out of it. If he isn’t involved, then he knows who does.“

        Larry raised his eyebrows again. ”So. What are you gonna do?“

        Rob turned and looked at him. ”What do you think? I’m gonna put my nose where its not wanted.“


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