Carved Cave

“Why keep such a tight cap on this?”
“Because our government is being more paranoid then usual, Miss McCormick. We’ve discovered a few things here that would probably rewrite history, if anyone would ever know about it.”
“Sir, should we be telling this to them? They’re civilians.”
“So am I Sergeant. And their clearance is higher than yours.”
“Yes, sir.” There was a slight undercurrent of resentment in the response.
“As I was saying. The government would rather something as important as this be under wraps. It would probably invalidate most of what we know. Rather, what we think we know.” Doctor Carroll was of medium build, and had a perpetual slouch. He wore glasses that he was continually adjusting.
“Well, why keep up in suspense?” C.J.’s eyes were sparkling. Hitomi knew it wasn’t just from being at the dig. To think, she was just teasing Hitomi about blushing.
“Well, considering your reputation, which I got a rather bombastic lecture by the managing general on, I think you’d rather see it first.”
“Should we be worried, Doctor?”
“Mitchell, please. And, no. Not really. General Douglas is just a hard ass.”
“Steer clear then, Mitchell,” C.J. paused before saying is name, Hitomi rolled her eyes.
“It might be for the best, Miss McCormick.”
“C.J.” Mitchell smiled at Cynthia, and Hitomi felt like throwing up.
“How much farther to the actual site? It seems like a deep perimeter, even if you want this quiet.” Hitomi felt compelled to interrupt.
“Not too much farther, Miss Onoe.”
“Just Hitomi, please. Is this really that explosive?”
“Well, you’ll see in a moment. Your tent is right here,“ Hitomi’s brow rose. Their tent was separated from the rest by a good hundred feet. “But the dig is right through here.” Mitchell’s gesture indicated a cave entrance flanked by intricate carvings.
“Hey, ‘Omi, do those carvings,” she paused, they both moved closer, “Are they what I think they are?”
“Oh, yeah,” Hitomi couldn’t help getting excited. “Those are Egyptian dog sculptures.”
“They’re not eroded, like in the desert. This deep in the canyon must act as a shield.”
“You’re right, Siege, this is incredible.”
“That’s not even the best part. Follow me inside.”
They went in behind Mitchell, eyes taking in the walls. Places had been smoothed and there were hieroglyphs carved into the stone. The cave had been narrowed, an arch built to create the antechamber that the three of them were gathered in, the two soldiers had taken up positions outside the cave, much like the carved statues.
On either side of the arch cartouches had been carved into the surrounding stone. “What do they say?” Hitomi asked, voice low with excitement.
“We don’t know. We’re a bit hamstrung, due to the general’s insistence that we get an egyptologist that won’t ask questions or talk about it. We think it might be a listing of names.” He motioned for them to go through the archway into the room beyond. The room had several sarcophagi, which were in turn surrounded by gold statues and other items. “Here, give me a hand with this,” he went over to a sarcophagus that was larger that the others. C.J. grabbed one edge while Mitchell took the other. Hitomi hid a smile while her friend pretended to struggle with the stone lid. They let the lid to the floor and looked into the stone coffin. Siege made a slight choking noise and motioned Hitomi over to look.
“What is it? The smell,” she trailed off as she looked inside. The mummy’s ceremonial death mask was lying on its stomach. It was there because it would fit onto the mummy’s withered jackal head.


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