
Showing posts from April, 2008

Well, well...

Strangely, every day this week, I've went to a local Panera Bread after work for an hour and started writing. Doing it tonight again. It tends to tucker me out a bit, but I think that'll stop after I get used to it.

The Biz

The strange thing about being a writer, even a wannabe writer, is how... split it can be in your head. By that I mean how you can absolutely love to write, derive such satisfaction from doing it, and yet be absolutely terrified of actually doing it. I've wanted to write something seriously since I was in high school. I've made a few attempts, like the blog for example, to actually do it. And, well... if you're reading this, then you know how well that usually goes. I'm really trying to focus myself on the idea, at least, of writing. I've got about three and a half scenes written of some hero fiction that's got me jazzed, and the characters are nice and snug in my head. Unfortunately, as usually happens, a whole 'nother idea has started in my brain and... now it's hard to think of anything else. This brings me to the conclusion that I really need writing discipline if I ever want to make it work. I'm actually hoping that I can get a few small freelanc
ROSWELL!! ROSWELL!! So, I got to thinking about that "legendary" event in hour history. For that one guy (you know who you are) who doesn't know what The Roswell Incident was, on July 7, 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico, a very startling report came through that the Air Force had recovered a crashed UFO. Later of course, the story was retracted and they said it was a weather balloon... which was then later retracted when they said it was an experimental project called Mogul. This interesting thing to me isn't the UFO... but the USAF's changing story. Considering the rampant distrust the American people seem to have for their government, is it really all that surprising that no one believes the stories of a balloon or a project involving crash test dummies? Which by the way wasn't even a project until 1953. Yeah, Mogul holds less water than the original weather balloon story. Now, I don't know what happened on that day in a previously unremarkable town, but so
Hello again, everyone. Been a few days, but a bit has been going on. Second, I drank the Kool-Aid and bought a Macbook. Yep, I'm now a Mac person. Mostly. I've still got my Dell machine for City of Heroes and another game or two, and I'm getting those installed on Linux so I can boot into Windows as little as possible :) My first impressions of the Mac are positive. Since I've only had it a few days, I'm not completely used to the interface, and to be honest the lack of a normal right-click annoys me some. In fairness, it's not hard to reach up with a finger and it control or command to get a context menu, but we're talking twenty plus years of training here! But that aside, it's pretty positive. I was impressed by the amount of stuff pre-installed. Garageband, iMovie, iPhoto, and the like. I can see why poetasters and other "new media" types love Macs. For my part, it's been something I've wanted to do for a while now, and since Uncle